Cool Viral Videos and Weird Publicity Campaigns 2011
Watching a cows TV ad has made think about the cool viral videos and wonderfully weird publicity campaigns that I have seen this year so far.
Digitalisation is indeed one of the aspects that have marked the last few years in many countries in the world. This includes India and China, where social media and website optimisation have been embraced enthusiastically. Check the figures in this cool infographic for some more information on this matter.
I feel I am lucky enough to be in London to experience and learn about all things digital. There even is a version of the Sillicon Valley – the Sillicon Roundabout in the Old Street area. Offline campaigns can also be really good.
Let’s take a look at some of the cool viral videos and weird publicity campaigns during 2011, in no particular order. Feel free to add any ideas or to comment.
- Talking bins – how weird it would be to get a ‘thank you’ every time we use a bin in a public area? Michael Palin (‘Nobody expects the Spanish binquisition’) and other well-known voices encouraged people to use bins during 2011.
- Meal Time Epic – Meatball Masacre. There even are some parodies of these guys. Epic. Check their wonderful recipes! xD No share or id values provided for youtube shortcode.
- Unhate– the Vatican was, obviously, outraged. Again. So what? I believe it worked all rigth for them…
No share or id values provided for youtube shortcode. - Edible print campaign. Weirdly attractive?
- Fenton, the famous dog. This video has been watched over 1.5 million times. The man who shot this video in London´s Richmond Park even spoke on a famous radio showand appeared in newspapers. Never underestimate the power of viral!No share or id values provided for youtube shortcode.
- Pizza and ‘wobble boarding’ – Now, a bit of controversy here. Any comments?
- Madeon Pop Culture This video attracted nearly five million views in You Tube over summer.
No share or id values provided for youtube shortcode. - “I just want a cat!” Actress Cara Hartmann´s video attracted 16 million views only over the summer, and inspired hilarious parodies.
No share or id values provided for youtube shortcode. - The SEO rapper. OK, this is not from this year. Still, I just love the simplicity in which they explain technical SEO stuff – and it is entertaining.
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Cool Viral Videos and Weird Publicity Campaigns 2011 — No Comments
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